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Rivers in the Dust: Australia's Desert Rivers

От Георги, 11.07.2013
  • 1659 прегледа
  • 0 коментара

This 2004 documentary by Bruce Honeywill is particularly poignant in 2013 when the relaxing of legislation by the Queensland State government is once more exposing a fragile area of desert rivers to the spoils of irrigated agriculture and mining.


Rivers in the Dust: A Video Report by Bruce Honeywill.

In the 1990s one of the world's rarest desert river systems came under the threat of irrigated cotton agriculture. Cattle producers of Australia's Channel Country found allies in scientists and the attempts to develop irrigated agriculture were thwarted. This documentary looks at the background of the attempt to grow cotton on Cooper's Creek and how a wide spread community found a voice that the world listened to.

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