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Himalaya with Michael Palin - part 1 - North by Northwest

От Георги, 10.07.2013
  • 1166 прегледа
  • 0 коментара

This 2004 BBC television series records comedian and travel presenter Michael Palin's six-month trip across the Himalaya mountain range, covering an amazingly diverse range of cultures and environments in various countries. It includes 1° North by Northwest - Pakistan's tribal province, featuring Khyber Pass, Peshawar, Gilgit, Chitral and K2; 2° A Passage to India - Lahore (still in Muslim Pakistan), and in its mainly Hindu rival India: Amritsar, Shimla, Dharamsala (meeting with the Dalai Lama) and Srinagar; 3°Annapurna to Everest - Nepal (the capital Kathmandu, meeting with King Gyanendra, and Annapurna Mountain; includes a scare involving the Maoist rebels in the Gurkha recruiting area) and Tibet (administered as a Chinese province: Pokhara and the Everest base camp on the northern side). 4° The Roof of the World - Tibet's capital Lhasa and in China's Qinghai province Yushu. 5° Leaping Tiger, Naked Nagas - from China's Yunnan province to India's Nagaland state - features Kunming, Lijiang, Lugu Lake, the Naga village of Longwa on the Indian-Burmese border and a trek along Tiger Leaping Gorge; 6° Bhutan to the Bay of Bengal - India's Assam state (Kaziranga National Park), Bhutan (capital Thimphu) and Bangladesh (Sylhet, the capital Dhaka and finally Chittagong on the Bay of Bengal)

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