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Новото летище на Берлин - BER Airport


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Сега пък водата му се оказва замърсена с E коли , ако някой пътува тези дни да знае, че питейната вода не е питейна :))










During a routine inspection at BER Airport, coliform bacteria were found, tweeted the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Company. The water in all sanitary facilities at Terminal 1 should therefore not be drunk at the moment. The government terminal is also affected. The cause of the contamination with the faecal bacteria is unclear.

As an immediate measure, the lines in the affected terminal are flushed through. That will take several days, said a spokesman for the German press agency. Passengers are accordingly informed with announcements and information sheets. “The health department and drinking water providers are informed.”

Coliform bacteria occur both in the intestine and in nature. The germs can cause gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea or vomiting. In addition to the terminals, the Federal Police building and the ILA exhibition halls are also affected.

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