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Кóрата на Кайлаш и Кралство Гуге най-вероятно от Непал - през лятото на 2024 г.

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И днес гореща новина - Китай е отворил за чужденци - най-после след вируса..

Вече няма пречки да се преживеят и тези места в Тибет!


Нямам идея каква е сега процедурата по издаване на визи ог страна на китайците. През 2015 г. бях там организирано и нямах грижа. 

Възможно е китайски визи да се издадат и в Катманду, като се изчака около 5 дни - това по първоначална информация на непалеца, който ще ми органицира пътушуствието до там.


Мисля ги отдавна тези 2 места и нямам повече време за чудене :sun_bespectacled:


Ако още някой е като мен, моля да даде знак óвреме.

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След първоначалната идея за влизане в ТАР от Непал непалският ми партньор все пак успя ме убеди, че е по-разумно да се избегнат изнурителните преходи с джипове по безумно лошите, прашни непалски пътища, от които имам непосредствена и прясна представа. 


Колкото до придобиването на китайски визи на място в Катманду, бях склонна да приема за поносимо приемливи цитираните от него необходими 5 дни за изчакването им на място. В това време има и какво да се види в околностите на непалската столица. 


В добавка настоящият вариант дава възможност за посещение и на Лхаса, от което не бих се лишила.., а инак би трябвало да се включи в отделно пътешествие. Също така ще се види и най-голямото езеро в Южен Тибет, свещеното езеро Ярмдрок.


Междувременно съм помолила за изясняване размера на невключените в общата оферта разходи.


Предвид на това, че през 2024 г. ми се иска да направя Горен Мустанг с Кралство Ло през май и Бутан с източните части през септември, то като най-подходящо време за настоящето пътешествие ми се вижда м. юли.



Който още се интересува за съвместно преживяване на приключението Тибет, моля да даде знак 🙂











Up on arrival in Chengdu airport, meet by guide and transfer to hotel. We collect our Tibet travel permit today. Overnight in Chengdu at Holiday inn Express or similar.



Transfer to airport for flight to Lhasa, Our representatives greet your arrival at the airport and it is a short drive to the holy Lhasa city along the Lhasa River within a valley enclosed by barren mountains. Far before reaching to the city you will have the first glimpse of tremendous Potala Palace appearing out from the rest of the city by perching on the red hill.  Check in hotel and take rest for acclimatization. You will experience mild symptoms of the altitude sickness such as headache, dizziness, disorientation, breathlessness etc but it should go away in a day or two. Please, drink plenty of water and consume liquid food. In the following 2 days we have thoughtfully arranged few but worthy visit to some world heritages and sites of breathing Tibetan Buddhists along acclimation and alleviating Jet-lag.  Overnight in Lhasa at Kyichu hotel/Similar

Meals: Breakast



Today is your first day on the high plateau and some of you may have little headache which is very common, so drinking enough water and mild activity on the first few days is recommendable. In the morning our guide will meet you at the hotel lobby and take an easy visit to Jokhang Temple in the centre of the Old Lhasa city. Jokhang temple is one of the most scared temples in all over Tibet and is always bustling with local pilgrims since from early days. The holiest shrine is Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha in the central chapel. After that you have time to walk around the Bakhor Street which is one of the most devotional circuits as well as crowded central market of Lhasa, will take a stroll in the pilgrimage path of Barkhor that surrounds the Jokhang Temple. Barkhor area is truly Tibetan flavour, with Tibetan shops lining up on the either sides of the street and that the streets packed with Tibetan devotees with their prayer wheels spinning or beads counting with utterance of sacred mantra and some in prostration.  From here, we head to Norbulingkha Garden to see the summer palaces of the Dalai Lama. Of all the palaces, current Dalai Lama, the 14th’s palace is the major attraction. We visit his private chambers, audience hall and the golden throne along with wall paintings of current Dalai lama family and Lord Buddha life history. We conclude the first day with a visit to Sera Monastery is one of Lhasa's two great Gelugpa institutions, second only to Drepung. Founded in the early 15th century by Sakya Yeshe-a disciple of Tsongkhapa, Sera Monastery was once home to more than 5000 monks. The monk population is now limited to 500 or so. As the chapels start closing at 3 p.m., we first explore the various chapels of the monastery and then attend the debating ceremony of the monks which takes place between 3 pm and 5 pm. If you are not interested seeing chapels, you can take hike on the pilgrimage path of the monastery which takes less than an hour.

Overnight in Lhasa at Kyichu hotel/Similar

Meals: Breakast



Today we will visit the famous Potala Palace, the cardinal landmark of Tibet and the masterpiece of Tibetan architecture, it was first built by 33rd King Songtsen Gangpo in 7th century and later in 17th century rebuilt by 5th Dalai Lama, since then it was home to the successive Dalai Lamas and his government. Walking though the long steps are quite challenging but it is worthwhile to leave your foot steps in this palace which listed in the world heritage in 1994. Situated atop Marpo Ri, 130m high hill, with a commanding view of all Lhasa, Potala Palace is one of the great wonders of world architecture. The complex has two palaces-White Palace and the main Red Palace. The White Palace houses the throne rooms of the 13th and 14th Dalai Lamas, a reception hall, meditation room and the bedroom of Dalai Lamas. The Red Palace has various chapels and the tombs of Dalai Lamas. And in the afternoon, we will visit the Drepung monastery which lies 8km from city centre, Drepung Monastery-the largest, richest and the most powerful of the three major Yellow Sect monasteries of Tibet, once the world's largest monastery that housed for more than 10,000 monks; it was resident of the Dalai Lama prior to Potala Palace. Drepung commanded the administration of Tibet before establishment of Potala Palace. Drepung Monastery offer lots of things to see by walking through numbers of narrow and twisted lane through the monk’s apartments is thrilling and of course the main assembly hall and kitchen is something not to miss.



Today, we drive to Gyantse town which still maintains Tibetan characteristics. After couple of days acclimation, you drive over the Gampa la pass and Karo la pass to Gyantse and Shigatse in the western Tibetan plateau, along the upstream of the Brahmaputra River we climb up the Gampa la(4900m) through numbers of switch-backs, from the pass you will amaze by the breathtaking view of the holy Lake Yamdrok and snow capped Mt. Nyenchen Kangsar in the background and the follows the bank of Yamdrok Tso Lake for more than 40 miles. Yamdrok Tso Lake is one of the four holiest lakes of Tibet and has turquoise green water. As we leave the lakeshore behind, the road climbs to Karo La (16,500ft), once again offering breathtaking views of the mountain and vast Tibetan plateau. Then further to Gyantse and Shigatse via bloomy glaciers and scattered villages. Both Gyantse and Shigatse are well known for its historical and religious value since from ancient time, Gyantse is known as hero’s town as the British troops defeated by Gyantse guerrilla in 1904. At Gyantse, will visit the Pelkor Chode and Kumbum Monastery-the main highlights of Gyantse City. Kumbum Stupa is the landmark of Gyantse and can be spotted from a long distance. From Gyantse, it is less than 2 hrs drive to Shigatse, the second largest city of Tibet. Upon arrival in Shigatse, we check in hotel and rest. Overnight in Shigatse at Quomilongma hotel.

Meals: Breakfast



Today we cross two gentle mountain passes Tso-la (4500m/14760ft) and Tropu-la(4950m/16,236ft) and a few kilometer beyond Lhatse, we cross the Brahmaputra River and after the crossing, the road enters a river valley with scattered villages. This is a beautiful area for photographs. We continue on, past the turn-off for the northern route, and arrive at Saga. We will following the footstep of pilgrims to the far-west Tibet, traverse several high passes within the moonscape terrain of western plain, through the region where the lifestyle remains close to what it has been for centuries, the enliven and lone groups of nomads families dwelling in the low, black tents are tending flocks of sheep and herds of ubiquitous yaks over the pastures, nevertheless, the abounding wild lives can be found in this region like herds of wild ass, Tibetan gazelle, wild yaks and so on. As the road condition getting better, so as the overnight accommodation facilities are upgrading too, tonight we will stay at Saga hotel/Similar

Meals: Breakfast



We continue across the vast dry plains to the small Tibetan town of Dongba. We have photogenic views of the sand dunes, lake and mountains comes in 60 km from Dongba. Today's drive involves crossing of several sandy rivers (Most rivers have bridges now) but has some of the most panoramic scenery of the trip. We cross a high pass of Mayum-la (5216m/17108ft). Tonight, we will refuge in local guest house near by the sacred Manasarovar Lake which according to Hindu mythology was formed in the mind of Brahma-the creator of the world. Today, we will have the first glance “Darshan” of holy Mt. Kailash from Horqu.  The perspective view of supernatural peak of Kailash can be achieved from the Lake Manasarovar, spend a night on the holy lake side by absorbing the striking beauties of mystical lake. Hike up to Chiu monastery perching on a small hill offers a breathtaking panorama of the lake Manasarovar.

Overnight in Manasarovar at Guest house.

Meals: Breakfast




Following breakfast at guest house, we spent the morning time around the lake Manasarovara for acclimatization, rituals and exploring the lakeshores. Chiu Gompa monastery has the fabulous location atop a craggy hill overlooking the sapphire blue lake Manasarovara and offers spectacular views of lake and on a clear weather day, Mount Kailash. Pilgrims perform rituals and take a dip in the holy waters of the lake and clean the sins of lifetime! Hindu travelers will even care to collect some water in the bottles and bring back home for their families and friends.  We then drive to Darchen, the base camp for trekker to Mt. Kailash. We check in the local guest house and prepare for the 3days trekking. Your guide will help arrange Yaks and Yak man to transfer luggage (if yaks fee is included). Crews assemble gears and arrange pack animals and restock up the supplies.   Overnight in Darchen at Basic guest house.

Meals: Breakfast



Altitude (4910m/16,102 ft), 20km/12.5 miles, about 6 hrs trek

Tarboche, marked by Tibetan flags is the starting point for kora and it is the site for Tibet's most important annual Saga Dawa festival. We walk up the Lha Chu Valley through beautiful green meadows and streams with Mt Kailash towering above us. We follow the river, which enters a narrow canyon with high, steep cliffs and spectacular waterfalls. Continuing up the valley, the north face of Kailash comes into view before we reach the 13th century monastery at Dira-phuk. Overnight in Dira phuk at Basic guest house.

Meals: Breakfast



Altitude (4790m/15,711 ft), 18km/11 miles, about 6-7 hrs trek

Bid farewell to Lha Chu Valley and prepare to fight the toughest part of the kora. You will enter the Drolma Chu Valley, heading up towards a high pass, the Drolma La [5,630m/18,466 ft] that is marked Tibetan prayer flags. The rest of the day's walk is mostly downhill and flat land. On descent, you will pass by one of the highest lakes in the world, Thukpe Dzingbu Lake (Gauri Kunda), known as the Lake of Compassion. Zuthulphuk monastery is built at the site of a famous cave, which is believed to have been created as a result of contest between Milarepa (Buddhist Yogi) and Naro Bonchung (Bon Saint).  

Overnight in Dzutrul Phuk at Basic guest house.

Meals: Breakfast



Altitude 4300m, Trekking distance 14km/9 miles, about 3-4 hrs trek, Tirthapuri drive 75km (2 hrs).

The final end of the parikrama is an easy walk down to where the river emerges on to the Barga plain. We complete the circuit trek of Mt. Kailash and drive to Tirthapuri Hot springs. Tirthapuri has close association with Guru Rinpoche and it’s customary for pilgrims to take bath in Tirthapuri Hot springs after Mount Kailash kora. Drive further towards Tsamda. Altitude: 3650m. We will drive along newly built asphalt road, that first climbs over Jingla pass (5100m/16728ft), from where we will enjoy a unique view of the unique landscapes. Onwards, the road zigzags down into a series of gorges and climbs up the other side before eventually making a long winding and very rough descent down a fantastically eroded gully where the hills on the both sides are worn into incredible shape. The side valley emerges into the wider Sutlej Valley and after crossing a bridge, the road finally reaches the oasis like town of Zanda, also known as Tsamda.

Overnight in Tsamda at Guest house.

Meals: Breakfast



We explore Tholing and neighbouring Tsaparang (20km east of Tholing) which are the ruined former of Ngari-West Tibet. Tholing, which was once the most important monastic complex in western Tibet, is an awesome sight. Below stands the first capital of Guge whilst the skyline comprises a vast sweep of the Ladakh Himalaya. Guge's later capital at Tsaparang is of even greater significance in the history of Buddhist art, its fantastic wall murals displaying evidence of close links with Ladakh and Kashmir. We will rediscover the cave dwellings, secret twisting paths tunnels linking the palaces. Overnight in Guge Kingdom.

Meals: Breakfast



Taday explore the Garuda valley and around. Late afternoon drive back to Guge Kingdom. Overnight in best available Guest house.

Meals: Breakafst



Retrace the road back to Lhasa and replenishing the remarkable plateau sceneries that you missed on the way up.  Overnight in Manasarovar at Guest house.

Meals: Breakfast



Morning we drive to Saga from Manasarovar it is 5 hrs drive.  Overnight in Saga at Saga hotel.

Meals: Breakafst



Morning we drive to Shigatse it is 4-5 hrs drive. Up on arrival in Shigatse, we visit Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. Overnight in Shigatse at Quolongma hotel/Similar

Meals: Breakfast



Today it is your last day on the Tibet plateau. At your departure, your guide and driver meet you at the hotel lobby and transfer you to the airport for your flight to Chengdu. Up on arrival in Chengdu and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Chengdu at Holiday inn express

Meals: Breakfast



Transfer to airport for your flight to home. Service ends.


Price based on 10 pax = US$2750 Per person

Single room supplement = US$595




Flights supplement

Chengdu-Lhasa-Chengdu = US$580 Per person.




Overnight accommodation on 3* twin bedroom sharing basis in citiesguest house at Lake, Kailash trekking. Local good hotel at Guge, Darchen and Saga

Daily Breakfast in the hotel during hotel stays, rest of places at local restaurants,

All transfers and sightseeing by a Bus as per group size by private

Yak and Yak herder during 3 days Kailash trekking period for transfer of client’s luggage

Sightseeing admission fees of above listed sights only

Local Tibetan English-speaking Tour Guide

Tibet Travel Permit and documents

Deposition of Bottled Mineral water and oxygen canister in the vehicle

During Kailash trekking, Lake Manasarovar overnight stay will be in local guest house which does not have attached toilet/bathroom.



Expenses incurred due to natural calamities, landslides, adverse weather condition or political upheaval

Flight delays or cancellations due to adverse weather condition or technical reasons

Tipping to guide and support team and FINE for venturing into prohibited areas

International and Domestic Airfare with Airport taxes

China and Nepal visa fee

Nepal agency pickup service at Kyirong border and Nepal side services

Medical cost and Emergency rescue

Expense of personal nature and taking photos and videos fees in the monasteries 

Personal travel and Health insurance

Sleeping bags

Lunch and Dinner during the whole trip,

Services in China Mainland and Nepal side

Medical kits etc

Riding horse or hiring horseman or potter during trekking section is not included, if needed due to personal health reason, clients have to pay on their own.






Тибетското културно пространство





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В два от трите исторически региона на Тибет  - Amdo и Kham може се пътува съвсем свободно , без необходимост от специално разрешение и агенция. Задължителни са единствено за Централен Тибет.Културата е същата , чужди туристи на практика липсват, няма никаква комерсиализация.Разбира се обаче най-популярните забележителности са в автономния регион.Тези дни ми попадна новина , че времето за посещение на двореца в Lhasa вече е ограничено до 45 минути от досегашните 60 , което общо взето казват стига за кратка обиколка на бегом и снимка.Гидовете които превишат времето си губят своя лиценз да водят групи за следващите 6 седмици.Превърнали са мястото в печатница за пари.

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