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20% отстъпка от цените в Expedia през Triprebel.com

Препоръчани мнения


Тия направиха показно как НЕ СЕ прави пормо. Маркетинг фейл level 99.

чудя се буквореда ли си сбъркал или само предпоследната буква :biggrin:

  • Харесвам 2

И все пак: фирмата е немска, пуснали са промоция без ясно обозначени правила, отказали са да я уважат ... една жалбичка кой ще заформи :)

  • Харесвам 1

И все пак: фирмата е немска, пуснали са промоция без ясно обозначени правила, отказали са да я уважат ... една жалбичка кой ще заформи :)


Може ли аз?

  • Харесвам 2

За протокола - парите ми са върнати по картата. Не знам дали, защото е само една нощувка или скромните 68 евро.

xisba, пиши!

  • Харесвам 1

Triprebel ми изпратиха на имейла персонален код за намаление на хотел, който бях проверявал при тях.


Кодът е за -50 евро и случайно или не е точно -20% от стойността на хотела (249 евро).


Ще се възползвам, с такава оферта надали ще има проблем :)

  • Харесвам 2

Аз пък получих извинение от един от управляващите директори. Не че струва много.



After having read our complete conversation and your feedback you have provided two days ago I have to conclude that I do understand your disappointment. I am sorry about the irritation you experienced and any inconvenienced caused on your site. I understand from your words that you are clearly very angry. 

My words (or any words) will not be able to dissolve your hard feelings, but at least I will try to show you our internal perspective as an alternative view of what happened with your booking. Therefore, in addition to my apology, I would like to give you a detailed background what kind of events actually led to the fact that your booking could not processed successfully.

As you have seen yourself, we started a coupon-campaign on bild.de, exclusively designated for the audience in the travel-section of this specific partner-website. However, this campaign happened to be hijacked, since the campaign-code was virally distributed through various blogs and websites around the whole world. All of this happened insanely fast, at the 3rd and 4th of August, so that we had not other way as to pull the plug on the whole campaign, stopping to accept this specific coupon code and start working through all the bookings manually.

As you can imagine that took us time, with all our hands full of manual work. That was the reason why our response time to any request was delayed beyond our usual response time. 
For your specific booking in Santorini things got even worse, since the primarily shown and communicated availability delivered via our hotel-provider (which is not the hotel itself) for your requested hotel room happened to be outdated. Given the size and the dynamic within these large databases, continuously collecting and updating worldwide requests, such incidents of outdated availabilities (in particular during high-season and for short-term bookings) are extremely hard to prevent. As a matter of fact, we tried everything to solve your case. In order to fix your booking we immediately searched for alternative providers that could actually deliver your requested hotel-room. Unfortunately, as you know all our attempts were not successful and we have informed you about the fact that your booking could not be processed successfully exactly 20 hours after your initial booking request.

I hope these details can give you a clearer picture of what exactly happened. To be very clear, nobody at TripRebel ever disguised or concealed the true nature of the situation at any stage from you. Quite the contrary, the second we had obtained full visibility of the availability of your hotel, we informed you immediately.

The same is true for the immediate refund to your credit-card: the moment we informed you about the failed booking we also released the complete funds back to you. The reason that you did not see the money released on the very same day is either with the internal processes of your issuing bank or your credit-card provider.

I hope you can at least slightly understand that we tried really hard to make everything right even in the case of state of emergency given the hijacking of our bild.de campaign.

Best regards and again my apologies,

  • Харесвам 1

Един трик за до 20% отстъпка:


Когато стигнете до страницата за плащане, добавете това след края на адреса:




и натиснете Enter.

Ще ви се зареди същата страница, със същата цена, но вече ще имате право да добавите специални купони за отстъпка:


BETTERRATE30CODE за 30 Евро от 150 Евро поръчка

BETTERRATE50CODE за 50 Евро от 250 Евро поръчка

BETTERRATE70CODE за 70 Евро от 1000 Евро поръчка (в големите поръчки вече е включена отстъпка спрямо Експедия)


Кодовете може да работят и без първата част на трика, но е по-вероятно да ви отменят отстъпката така.

  • Харесвам 6

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