Прескочи до съдържание

Препоръчани мнения

Нерядко се случва във форума да обсъждаме логистични опции  като в двете съседни теми за Португалия и Прага - имам предвид варианти с по два последователни полета до/от определена дестинация, изпълнявани от една или две нискотарифни компании ( най-често Wiz+Ryan ), или пък комбинация от полети на нискотарифна и традиционна АК.
Както всички добре знаем, основното притеснение в тези случаи е, че понеже полетите не са на един билет, при промяна/отмяна/закъснение на първия полет, може да изгорим с втория и проблемът си остава изцяло наш.
Както също така всички (без Rainy, до вчера  :biggrin:  :P )  добре знаем - една от основните търсачки за подобни комбинации с нискотарифни комапнии е Skypicker.

Та вчера докато си разцъквах нещо, попаднах на това, не знам дали вече е ставало дума някъде във форума:


Skypicker Guarantee

Here at Skypicker we take customer service very seriously and understand that when travelling by air it can sometimes be the case that things go wrong. Therefore, we are proud to present you with our Skypicker guarantee.

Our exclusive guarantee comes into effect in the event that your flight has been cancelled or suffered from an extended delay, both of which negatively impact upon your ability to reach your designated destination with us. Where this is the case, a solution can be found working together with our Customer Service department. Please note, that in the event that your flight has been canceled/delayed less than 48 prior to the scheduled departure time, it is your responsibility to contact us, by phone; otherwise, we will endeavour to contact you first.

Our promise to you is that we will deal with your situation on a case-by-case and individual basis. By reviewing your case, and investigating the circumstances, we can use our clever search options in order to find you an alternative route, time or destination: With the end goal being to assist you in reaching your destination. If an alternate route to your destination cannot be found, and the situation falls within the parameters of this guarantee, and our Terms & Conditions, a refund (full or partial) may be offered.

Schedule Change/Delay or Cancellation Policy

If your journey has been negatively impacted due to a flight change, prolonged delay or cancellation we ask that you contact customer services no later than 14 days after the fact**. In this case, we will work with you in order to find an alternative route to your destination. We promise you that we will do everything possible to get you to your destination; in a manner that suits both parties.

If we are unable to find a new connecting flight for you, we will refund, in full, the price which was originally paid for your journey. If your journey consists of more than one leg, and you have already utilised certain flights, the difference will be refunded to you.

**Should you find yourself in an extreme circumstance, wherein communication with Skypicker is not possible, we will cover the costs of the cheapest replacement ticket, but not more than twice the value of the original ticket.

N.B. As stated above, all cases are investigated, and dealt with, on an individual basis and are at the discretion of Skypicker.

Additional Services

In terms of delays or last minute flight schedule updates, which occur less than 48 hours before your flight is due to depart, we will endeavour to assist you the best way we can. Depending on your situation our additional assistance options include:

  • Overnight Accommodation - this option becomes available to you if your flight has been delayed/changed at the last minute leaving you in the airport for the evening and your flight connects after midnight (00:00). In some cases if you are at the airport longer than 8 hours we may also activate this option. A hotel room may be booked up to the value of 50€ per passenger, for a maximum of 3 nights.
  • Alternative Transport - in the event that we are unable to book an alternative flight for you, due to sold out flights or non-existent routes, we may look at nearby airports for a possible solution. Should this occur, we will contribute to the cost of your transfer between airports, up to the value of 100€: inclusive of all passengers. This may include a train, coach or taxi and will be for all passengers booked on your itinerary with Skypicker.
  • Meal & Beverage Compensation - In the case of a delay or cancellation which causes you to spend more than 4 extra hours at the airport, we would be happy to have you grab a bite to eat on us, up to the value of 10€ per passenger connected to the booking.

N.B. Please note that in all instances the activation of “Additional Services” must be pre-agreed with one of our Customer Support Agents. Furthermore, full records of purchases and receipts must be produced in order to claim back any money from us.

Customer Support

In the unfortunate event that you encounter a delay or flight change you must contact our customer support team and discuss the options that are available to you. Our skilled advisors are at hand to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can be contacted on a range of channels including by phone, email, live chat and social media. More detailed information can be found here.

Contact us

If you are unable to reach the customer support team through a lack of available communication channels, we ask that you do so no later than 14 days after your final flight.

If your “update” is less than 48 hours from departure or, if you are already at the airport and require support immediately, you must contact us via phone.

Refund Process

As stated in our Terms and Conditions, we operate a non refundable policy. This applies in all instances, such as sickness, change of mind and/or other circumstances not outlined above.

If, however, your refund request refers to any of the expenditures listed in the “Additional Services” section above, we ask that you complete the refund Request Form, found here, and submit it to us no later than 14 days after the arrival of your final fight. You must provide all supporting documentation, such as receipts and proof of purchase.

If approved, we will process your refund as quickly as possible. However, due to the international nature of our business, and varying banking processes, this may take up to 10 working days to complete. Unfortunately, this is out of our control and as such we appreciate your understanding and patience. If the preferred refund method is through either PayPal or Skypicker credit, the process will be processed immediately: However, it may take up to 24 hours before the funds show in your account. Should you have any questions, or have not received your refund within the above timeframe, please do not hesitate to get in contact with our customer service.



Верно че малко обтекаемо звучи (или поне на мен така ми изглежда), обаче все пак е повече от нищо, пък и не е свързано с някаква допълнителна такса.

Сега.. понеже на мен инглишът не ми е най-силният език :huh: , а и не съм много навътре в тази материя, та ще ми е интересно спецовете и разбирачите тук (пък и всички останали, де ;) ) да коментирате как ви се струва тази гаранция на Skypicker. :rolleyes:

Редактирано от Фичо
  • Харесвам 1
Връзка към коментар

Не малко, ми хипер обтекаемо ми звучи на мен, а допълнителните такси май сайта си ги цака при резервация през тях. Така ли беше? Един вид, таксата която им плащаш е нещо като застраховка за тази тяхна гаранция, която на няколко места са се постарали да не прецизират достатъчно...

Връзка към коментар

Не малко, ми хипер обтекаемо ми звучи на мен, а допълнителните такси май сайта си ги цака при резервация през тях. Така ли беше?

Аааа, това за такса при резервация не го знаех :rolleyes:

Връзка към коментар

Аааа, това за такса при резервация не го знаех :rolleyes:


Ами цената в техният сайт излиза 196лв (по курса на долара), а в сайта на Уиз е 175. Не съм ги ползвал иначе.

Връзка към коментар
  • 1 година по-късно ...

Вариантите за пътуване с прекачване с НТА са все повече, но при тези пътувания винаги възниква въпроса какво става ако не успеем да хванем на време следващия полет?


Днес забелязах, че Kiwi.com предлага доста сериозно изглеждаща гаранция:



In order to bring you the best possible service , we offer our customers an exclusive and unique flight change, delay and cancellation policy, called the Kiwi.com Guarantee (or Assistant Services).
The aim and scope of our Kiwi.com Guarantee service program is to make your journey as smooth and comfortable as possible. To further this purpose, we ensure you that in situations when your flight(s) is (are) rescheduled, delayed or cancelled, we shall upon activation of the Kiwi.com Guarantee, offer you a reasonable alternative flight(s) or other means of transportation to your destination, or a refund of the price you paid for any unused flight(s).

However, please note that the Kiwi.com Guarantee may only apply in cases when your flight(s) is (are) rescheduled, delayed or cancelled due to factors, which can occur in the standard course of air transportation. As such the Kiwi.com Guarantee can be applied limitedly in situations of the impact of force majeure. Furthermore, the Kiwi.com Guarantee cannot be applied to cases where you make any changes to the flight schedule(s) without our prior approval.
The Kiwi.com Guarantee is split into two categories, based on their severity:

Scenario A (More than 48 hours before departure)

More than 48 hours before departure – The Kiwi.com Guarantee applies only to a change or cancellation of any flight(s) announced more than 48 hours prior to the departure of your first concerned flight, which may negatively impact your ability to reach your destination, or your arrival to a destination is postponed by more than 24 hours after the original scheduled arrival, i.e. due to a flight change(s) or cancellation(s) you would either miss your flight connection(s) or your flight(s) would be cancelled.

In this case, if you learn about a change or cancellation of your flight(s) under Scenario A you must inform us of such change or cancellation without undue delay either by telephone, e‐mail or via the online chat service available on our website. Should you fail to inform us about such a flight change(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay, you will not be entitled to the Kiwi.com Guarantee. In the case we are informed first about the change or cancellation of your flight(s) according to Scenario A, we will contact you within a reasonable time after we learn about such a flight change(s) or cancellation(s). After we are informed about the flight change(s) or cancellation(s) according to Scenario A, we will offer you one of the following solutions, solely at our discretion:

  • We will search for alternative transportation to your destination. Should we find a reasonable alternative we will offer you an alternative flight(s) or other means of transportation to your destination entirely at our expense. In case we are unable to buy the offered alternative flight(s), or other means of transportation for you online, you can buy the respective ticket(s) for the alternative transportation, as agreed upon both by you and us, at the airport and we will refund you the price of any such ticket(s). Please note, that any extra services or further upgrades to the agreed upon alternative ticket(s) will not be covered by us.
  • We will offer you a refund of the price you paid for all the unused flights en route to your destination: this solution is most likely to be offered in the case that we are unable to offer you a reasonable alternative transportation.

You are obliged to reply to us promptly after receiving information about the offered solution(s), but in all cases, at the latest within 24 hours of sending our first notice offering alternative option(s) to you, or within any shorter reasonable time before the time of the scheduled departure of the first following flight. After the lapse of this 24-hour term given for a reply, this offer is null and void, thus you will subsequently not be entitled to the Kiwi.com Guarantee.

Scenario B (Less than 48 hours before departure)

Less than 48 hours before departure ‐ applies only to a flight delay(s) or a cancellation(s) of a flight(s) announced less than 48 hours prior to the departure of the first concerned flight, which may negatively impact your ability to reach your destination, or if your arrival to the destination is postponed by more than 24 hours after the original scheduled arrival, i.e. due to a flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) you would either miss your flight connection(s) or your flight(s) would be cancelled.

In this case, if you learn about a flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) of your flight under Scenario B, you are obliged to inform us of such a flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay, either by telephone or via the online chat service available on our website. Should you fail to inform us about such a flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay, you will not be entitled to the Kiwi.com Guarantee. In the case that we are informed first about the flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) of your flight under Scenario B, we will contact you within a reasonable time, after we learn of it.

After we are informed about the flight delay(s) or cancellation(s) under Scenario B, you may select from one of the following solutions at your discretion:

  • We will search for an alternative transportation to your destination and should we find a reasonable alternative, we will offer you an alternative flight(s) or other means of transportation to your destination entirely at our expense. In the case that we are unable to buy the offered alternative flight(s) or other means of transportation for you online, you can buy the respective ticket(s), as agreed upon by both you and us, at the airport and we will refund you the price of the respective ticket(s). In the case that we are unable to find a reasonable alternative flight(s) or other means of transportation, due to a disproportionate price difference between the potential alternative transportation and the original price for the unused flights, we may agree with you on our proportional contribution to the costs associated with a mutually agreed upon alternative transportation. This option will be determined on a case by case basis. Please note that any extra services or upgrades to the agreed upon alternative ticket(s) will not be covered by us. In exceptional cases when your flight(s) is cancelled or you miss the flight connection(s) due to a flight delay and you are unable to contact us in this matter, you may purchase the ticket(s) for the alternative transportation without prior agreement between you and us and we will refund you the price of such ticket(s) for alternative transportation up to twice the original price of the unused flight(s) en route to your destination. Please note that you are entitled to this refund only after you provide us with sufficient written proof of your purchase of the ticket(s) for the alternative transportation to your destination along with the proof of the original flight delay or cancellation of your original flight.
  • We will refund you the price you paid for all the unused flights en route to your destination. You should opt for this solution in the case that we are unable to offer you a reasonable alternative transportation. You are obliged to reply to us of your choice promptly after receiving our information about the offered solution, but in all cases at the latest within 24 hours of sending our notice, or within any shorter reasonable time before the time of the scheduled departure of the first following flight. After the lapse of this 24 hour term for replies the offer expires and you are no longer to the Kiwi.com Guarantee.

Multi‐destination routes - Should there be a flight delay, change or cancellation of the flight(s) that will impact all of your flights on one section of your journey, we will try to find an alternative route to your interim destination. Should this not be possible, and you cannot begin your journey and have not taken any of the booked flights within your route, then a refund for all flights on that segment of the journey can be applied.

Communication and notices - All responses to any offer of an alternative must be received by us no later than 48 hours after the official and marked time of sending said notices. Should you fail to respond to such notices, or your response is not made within the aforementioned 48 hour time period, please be aware that your claim to the Kiwi.com Guarantee is no longer valid.

Kiwi.com Additional Services - The services specified below may apply when Scenario B occurs within our Kiwi.com Guarantee. These services can be activated by our Customer Support department when you contact them due to a flight delay or cancellation. However please note that you have no legitimate claim for the provision of these additional services because any of these services are solely at our discretion and need to be pre‐agreed once you contact our Customer Services department. Please note as well that in the case of the activation of these additional services you will need to cover the expenses for utilization of these additional services and provide us with a receipt(s) as proof of your expenses. We will refund your costs on the basis of such receipts up to the amount specified below.

  • Overnight Accommodation ‐ This option may become available to you if your flight has been delayed or cancelled at short notice, leaving you stranded at the airport for the night and your alternative flight connects after midnight (00:00) and you would need to stay at the airport for more than 8 hours. Accommodation vouchers can also be granted if you have accepted a change offered by us for a flight departing the next day. It may be possible to book a hotel room and claim a total reimbursement of up to 50€ per passenger, regardless of the number of nights.
  • Alternative Transport – Should we be unable to book you a flight connection because a) all reasonable flights are sold out and/or B) no such journey exists for the day in question, we may look at other airports in the area for alternative flight options. Should this occur, and under the condition that all costs are pre‐agreed through our Customer Support department, we may contribute towards your cost of the chosen method of transportation for the transfer between airports. This may include train, coach or taxi and will include all passengers booked on your itinerary through us. The maximum upper limit for this alternative transport will be 100€; inclusive of all passengers.
  • Meal & Beverage Compensation ‐ Should your flight connection be delayed by more than 4 hours, we are willing to cover the cost of refreshments, up to a total of €10 per passenger booked on your itinerary through us.

Should you be offered any of the aforementioned alternatives by the airline and/or airport, we are absolved of all responsibility to further compensate and/or reimburse you.


Горната услуга не е безплатна, но по мои наблюдения те удържат около 20 евро за гаранцията и издаването на билета. Единственото лошо е при Уиз ер, че ако човек има членство няма как да го използва ако купува билета от посредник. При Уиз ер обаче има възможност срещу 20 евро да се купи гаранция за закъснение над един час при която плащат 100 евро.


Някой знае ли за други подобни гаранции при прекачване с НТА?

  • Харесвам 1
Връзка към коментар

И тук сме обсъждали този въпрос (тогава kiwi се казваше skipicker )


Други няма ли на пазара? Аз лично бих платил около 10 евро за гаранция, че ако самолета закъснее повече от един час ще ми платят сума коята горе долу покрива цената на един нов билет в последния момент. Такива закъснения има при не повече от няколко процента от полетите, но ако попаднеш е доста неприятно и скъпо.


Най-добре би било да ти предлагат нещо, като Уиз ер, но на по добра цена и с възможност за избор на различни суми. Ако с нискотарифна компания гониш връзка към трансконтинентален полет може да си струва да платиш по висока цена за по висока гаранция. Такива гаранции биха били много полезни и при връзка с круизи или други програми, които могат да се провалят при закъснение или отмяна на полета.


Това е огромен пазар и ми е доста чудно защо нито една застрахователна компания не е почнала мащабен бизнес в тази посока! Има много добри и надеждни статистики за закъсненията, което прави изчислението на една такава застраховка много лесно.

  • Харесвам 1
Връзка към коментар


Това е огромен пазар и ми е доста чудно защо нито една застрахователна компания не е почнала мащабен бизнес в тази посока! Има много добри и надеждни статистики за закъсненията, което прави изчислението на една такава застраховка много лесно.

Защо ми се струва, че имаше някакви подобни застраховки, даже май е обсъждано по форума :rolleyes: .

Лично аз обаче не съм търсил такава застраховка, та не съм сигурен ...

(леко встрани от темата - моята "застраховка" при връзка с дълги полети обикновено се изразява в една допълнителна нощувка там, където е прекачването - и си го таксувам като бонус - кратка разходка в приятно място като Рим, Берлин, Лондон, Барселона - градове, които така или иначе имам желание да посетя поне веднъж годишно ...)

Редактирано от Фичо
Връзка към коментар

Защо ми се струва, че имаше някакви подобни застраховки, даже ме е обсъждано по форума :rolleyes: .

Лично аз обаче не съм търсил такава застраховка, та не съм сигурен ...

(леко встрани от темата - моята "застраховка" при връзка с дълги полети обикновено се изразява в една допълнителна нощувка там, където е прекачването - и си го таксувам като бонус - кратка разходка в приятно място като Рим, Берлин, Лондон, Барселона - градове, които така или иначе имам желание да посетя поне веднъж годишно ...)


Aз правя често същото, но защо да няма опция на цена 10-20% от цената на нощувката да може да си купиш застраховка? Някой път има много удобни връзки, но от страх да не закъснее самолета не ги правя или ги правя, но със сериозен финансов риск! Колкото повече полети на НТА има, толкова по актуален ще става този въпрос.

Връзка към коментар

Защо ми се струва, че имаше някакви подобни застраховки, даже ме е обсъждано по форума :rolleyes: .

Лично аз обаче не съм търсил такава застраховка, та не съм сигурен ...

(леко встрани от темата - моята "застраховка" при връзка с дълги полети обикновено се изразява в една допълнителна нощувка там, където е прекачването - и си го таксувам като бонус - кратка разходка в приятно място като Рим, Берлин, Лондон, Барселона - градове, които така или иначе имам желание да посетя поне веднъж годишно ...)


И аз винаги включвам такава нощувка, но в двете посоки това изяжда доста от времето (и отпуска) за основната дестинация, което на мен ми е основния проблем. Допълнителните разходи във връзка с нощувките и джобни за тези 2 нощувки обикновено не ги броя, особено ако не съм посещавал града, в който се прикачвам.

Редактирано от П.Кръстев
Връзка към коментар

Обединих темите.


По добре би било заглавието да е малко по общо за да обсъждаме всякакъв вид гаранционни схеми.

И аз винаги включвам такава нощувка, но в двете посоки това изяжда доста от времето (и отпуска) за основната дестинация, което на мен ми е основния проблем. Допълнителните разходи във връзка с нощувките и джобни за тези 2 нощувки обикновено не ги броя, особено ако не съм посещавал града, в който се прикачвам.


Ако имаш време за посещение на града и ти е непознат е ок, но често се получава само спане плюс сериозни разходи за трансфер. Ако направиш подобно спиране и в двете посоки сумата може да скочи значително.

Връзка към коментар

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