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Midnight Sun: A natural phenomenon occurring in the summer months north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle where the sun never fully sets and remains visible 24 hours a day.


This short time lapse film was shot during the Icelandic Midnight Sun in June of 2011.


For 17 days I travelled solo around the entire island shooting almost 24 hours, sleeping in the car, and eating whenever I had the time. During my days shooting this film I shot 38,000 images, travelled some 2900 miles, and saw some of the most amazing, beautiful, and indescribable landscapes on the planet. Iceland is absolutely one of the most beautiful and unusual places you could ever imagine. Especially during the Midnight Sun when the quality of light hitting the landscape is very unusual, and very spectacular.


Iceland is a landscape photographers paradise and playground, and should be number 1 on every photographers must visit list. Iceland during the Midnight Sun is in sort of a permanent state of sunset. The sun never full sets and travels horizontally across the horizon throughout the night, as can be seen in the opening shot and at the :51 second mark in the video.


During the Arctic summer, sunset was at midnight and sunrise was at 3am. The Arctic summer sun provided 24 hours a day of light, with as much as 6 hours daily of "Golden light". Once the sun had set it wouldn't even get dark enough for the stars to come out, and they don't start to reappear until August.


My advice to everyone out there, photographer or not, is simple... You MUST visit Iceland sometime during your lifetime. You will never regret it.


Interview with Michael Levy Studio about the film:



PRINTS AVAILABLE: http://shop.scientifantastic.com/


If you want to follow my future photographic events you can find me at:

Google+ (http://gplus.to/scientifantastic)

Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/scientifantasti)

Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/scientifantastic)

Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scientifantastic/163137190447579)

500px (http://500px.com/scientifantastic)




Motion Control System:

The motion controlled shots in this film were shot using the Stage Zero dolly system made by Dynamic Perception (http://dynamicperception.com/)


Cameras and Lenses:

2 Canon 5DII DSLR cameras

1 Canon 7D

Various Canon lenses


Music by This Will Destroy You

Song: "The World is Our"

Website: http://www.myspace.com/thiswilldestroyyou

Buy It on iTunes: http://itun.es/iBv9NS


Special Thanks to:

REYKJAVIK RENT A CAR (http://www.reykjavikrentacar.is/)

Dynamic Perception (http://www.dynamicperception.com/)

Jag35 (http://www.jag35.com/)

Kessler Crane (http://www.kesslercrane.com/)

LRTimelapse (http://www.lrtimelapse.com)

Timescapes (http://www.timescapes.org)

Michael Levy Studio (www.international-photographer.com) for his Icelandic eROADBOOK


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