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Идеи за разни "шантави" комбинации и маршрути

Препоръчани мнения

На 15.05.2020 г. в 15:59, Фичо каза:

Кабината в момента струва 89€, ако сме 4 човека, ще ни излезе по ~23€  на калпак.

На 15.05.2020 г. в 19:47, chandni каза:

По математика 2+

Строга, но не съвсем справедлива (за разлика от бай Ставри) :grin: 


Крайна оценка - 3 на релси! :laugh1: И не, не ме питай "що бързам да чета"... 

Няма да те питам нищо , но ще ти предложа да гледаш по-глобално, а не на парче. :grin:
Да, за по-лесно цените на отделните билети ги закръглявам. :yes:   Обаче най-същественото число е сумарната цена.  И ако имам две числа, както например в конкретния случай 12.49 и  22.25 и ги закръгля поотделно според правилото и двете надолу, в крайната сума грешката (0.49+0.25=0.74) вече ще се натрупа и ще изкриви резултата. :rolleyes:
За да избегна това изкривяване, едното число съм го закръглил надолу, а другото - нагоре. :smile3:   Скива̀ ли колко съм находчив? :biggrin:
В геодезията, например, като правиш измервания на затворен полигон от точки, е много важно накрая правилно (пропорционално) да разхвърляш/разпределиш грешката.  :yes:

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преди 3 часа, Topfly каза:

Шантавите маршрути това лято ще се правят не по цени, а по възможност да се пътува без ограничения 🙂

... и естествено без да се включват полети на WIZZ, заради ниската /под 20 %/ вероятност, че ще бъдат изпълнени. :acute:


При оценка на фактора риск за гореспомената копания водеща е функционалната зависимост между полетите в последните три месеца, които WIZZ предлагат/продават/осъществят и която предполага високо ниво на риск, респ. загуба на пари, провалени планове с вероятност над 75 % и кредитиране на превозвач с неясно близко и още по-неясно далечно бъдеще за полети от София.

Връзка към коментар

Само се надявам,да не стане така,че единственият шантав маршрут тази година да не се окаже нещо от рода - излизаме през КППто на Горубляне и се прибираме през КПП на Владая 🙂


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преди 31 минути , Мари Николова каза:

Само се надявам,да не стане така,че единственият шантав маршрут тази година да не се окаже нещо от рода - излизаме през КППто на Горубляне и се прибираме през КПП на Владая 🙂

Пепел ти на клавиатурата! :grin:



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  • 2 седмици по-късно ...

За да поддържаме огъня - предложение за една октомврийска разходка до Карибите, без да напускаме ЕС.  :wink:

И така ...
на 28.09 хващаме полет на Wizz за Париж - 19€  (дано не объркам пак закръгляването :biggrin: )



Пристигаме вечерта, настаняваме се, преспиваме и имаме цял ден за разходки из френската столица. Преспиваме пак и 
на 30.09 хващаме полет с Level до Гваделупа  и разполагаме с 10 дни за Карибите, като там може да останем през цялото време в Гваделупа, или, вдъхновени от Карибския дневник на домосед  - да пообиколим и другите острови, или пък да дебнем за някой подходящ круиз. 

на 10.10 идва време да се прибираме към добрата стара Европа с полет на Level, общо двата полета ORY-PTP-ORY - 248€ 


Ние обаче, като печени магеланци, търсим дали не може да изцедим още цената, пък и да си направим малко оборот с Diners-a  и затова проверяваме схемата jetcost.dk >>> bravofly  и - бинго - сваляме още 18€ и взимаме билетите на цена 230€



на 11.10 по пладне кацаме на Орли и имаме достатъчно време (проверено и проиграно) да се придвижим до Бове, за вечерния полет на Wizz на цена 18€



Или общо за полетите SOF-BVA-SOF  и  ORY-PTP_ORY  267€  (да не говорим, че за кредитните милионери от най-активната тема във форума, wizz-ките полети ще дойдат практически без пари :biggrin: )

Този път схемата е малко по-скучна :grin: , но за сметка на това - с по-голям обхват. :smile3:





  • Харесвам 22
  • Браво 10
Връзка към коментар

Днешното предложение - малко ноемврийски Елзас и ... седмица в Мадейра. 

И така 
04.11.2020, сряда - полет на Ryan SOF-FKB, през jetcost.com.au >>> bravofly  ~32€



Имаме на разположение 3 дни за каквото решим в района - Баден-Баден, Страсбург, Колмар и околни градчета ...
Има най-различни опции за придвижване с автобус и/или влак, например:
Фликса от Карлсруе до Страсбург за 5€  


Фликса от Страсбург до Колмар за 3€

И пак Фликса от Колмар до летище Базел, още няма разписание за ноември но се намират билети за 5€



07.11.2020 - време е да се насочим малко по на топличко - една седмица в Мадейра, 07-14.11.2020 , ползваме Еasyjet  63€ 



14.11.2020 пристигаме в Базел, имаме ден да поразгледаме града и на 

15.11.2020, неделя хващаме полет на Wizz за София - 20€


Или общо пътни 128€



  • Харесвам 15
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Аз обмислям вкарване на част от  кредитите от Уиз по този маршрут, като само един полет Тенерифе-Мадрид не е с тях.




За края на лятото умувам

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преди 2 минути , Фичо каза:

SOF >>> BTS --- VIE >>> LIS >>> PDL >>> LIS >>> VIE --- BTS >>> SOF     85€ полети + 2-10€ автобус












LIS-PDL час и 25 минути,а обратно-3 часа и 15 минути,и това без прекачване...Явно на връщане само излита и после се рее от порива на вятъра! 🤫

Връзка към коментар
преди 15 минути , crazyhorse каза:

LIS-PDL час и 25 минути,а обратно-3 часа и 15 минути,и това без прекачване...Явно на връщане само излита и после се рее от порива на вятъра! 🤫

Има един час разлика в часовата зона между Азорите и континентална Португалия, затова.

Ама гледай на Фичо, колко малко му трябва да се побутне, за да почне пак с великите комбинации 🙂 

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преди 4 минути , master_of_germs каза:

Има един час разлика в часовата зона между Азорите и континентална Португалия, затова.

Ама гледай на Фичо, колко малко му трябва да се побутне, за да почне пак с великите комбинации 🙂 

😉Часовата разлика май не влияе на времетраенето на полета...

  • Харесвам 2
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преди 14 минути , crazyhorse каза:

😉Часовата разлика май не влияе на времетраенето на полета...

Вярно... Ми ще си се кефим с панорамна обиколка, какво толкоз 😄 

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1 hour ago, Мари Николова said:

@Фичо, би ли споделил полетите LIS-PDL  през кой сайт са и с каква карта?

Ирланският Джеткост и после Бравофлай като гледам.

Там иска Дайнърс:



Но през друга версия или друг посредник няма как да не може да се мине и с друга 🙂

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Вчера писах набързо, че трябваш да изскачам спешно за едни бири :drinks: и не съм имал време да коментирам :grin: 

преди 15 часа, Alexander каза:

Супер е, понеже няма нощувка на отиване, но от друга страна първият ден ще се съберат почти 24 часа без спане.

Всъщност - има една нощувка на отиване в Братислава, полетът SOF>BTS е на 07.10 , а полетите VIE>LIS и LIS>PDL са на 08.10 

преди 15 часа, crazyhorse каза:

LIS-PDL час и 25 минути,а обратно-3 часа и 15 минути,и това без прекачване...Явно на връщане само излита и после се рее от порива на вятъра! 🤫

Нещо са се омотали в изчисляването на времето и часовите зони,  статистиката казва, че PDL-LIS обичайно го взимат за около 2 часа (цък

преди 14 часа, Мари Николова каза:

@Фичо, би ли споделил полетите LIS-PDL  през кой сайт са и с каква карта?

виждам, че jorocontrola вече ти е отговорил, а и вчера нямах време да ръчкам, но утрото е по-мъдро от вечерта :grin: и сега бърза проверка показа, че например през дойчовския Jetcost.de и търсене за двама човека, цената, ей така за спорта, може да се се свали още малко до 38€ :yes:  , плащане с Diners. 

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Магеланци попитали радио Еревен:
- Приемате ли гости в началото на март? 
- Егур, егур (ела, ела арм.)  - отговорили от радиото - приготвили сме ви и  бутилка коняк за добре дошлил! 

SOF >>> BTS --- VIE >>> EVN  ..............  EVN >>> VIE --- BTS >>> SOF      03-08.03.2021  ~59€   с три дни отпуск
(билетите за автобусите Братислава - Виена и обратно още не са пуснати за толкова далечни дати) 














Има различни варианти от август до март, може да се ползват и полети с Ryan  до/от Виена. 




  • Харесвам 11
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Преди 1 час, Фичо каза:

Магеланци попитали радио Еревен:
- Приемате ли гости в началото на март? 
- Егур, егур (ела, ела арм.)  - отговорили от радиото - приготвили сме ви и  бутилка коняк за добре дошлил! 

SOF >>> BTS --- VIE >>> EVN  ..............  EVN >>> VIE --- BTS >>> SOF      03-08.03.2021  ~59€   с три дни отпуск
(билетите за автобусите Братислава - Виена и обратно още не са пуснати за толкова далечни дати) 

Има различни варианти от август до март, може да се ползват и полети с Ryan  до/от Виена. 

Като идея. Същата схема на 23-28 декември с 1 ден отпуск излиза с 12 евро повече. Недостатъкът е, че арменците не празнуват коледата тогава.

  • Харесвам 5
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преди 10 часа, master_of_germs каза:

Като идея. Същата схема на 23-28 декември с 1 ден отпуск излиза с 12 евро повече. Недостатъкът е, че арменците не празнуват коледата тогава.

Мхм интересно ще е за Рождения ден да съм там по тези земи. 😀😀


Благодаря на @Фичо за маршрута и комбинацията 😊

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Пример за околосветски полет само срещу 170 000 мили и 1000$ кеш , бизнес класа :




Round-the-world trips in business or first class are only a mere dream for many travelers. However, those armed with an arsenal of miles and points can do it on the cheap — in fact, they can do it for well under $1,000.

I’ve been dreaming of taking my own round-the-world trip for some time now, and being quarantined during the coronavirus outbreak has only made me dream of it more. So one evening in late May, I decided to put my thoughts into words and price out the ultimate round-the-world trip.

I spent a couple of evenings researching the best ways to do this, finding award space and, finally, booking the ticket. It took hours of my time but in the end, I walked away with a booked itinerary for only 170,000 points and roughly $1,000 of pocket for over 28,000 miles in business class.

The rules:

  • You must cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans once
  • No backtracking is allowed
  • You can book a maximum of twelve flight segments and four ground transfer segments on the same ticket
  • Up to eight stopovers are permitted between the departure point and the final return point
  • Up to three stopovers can be in Europe and up to four stopovers can be in Japan
  • Your return date must be 10 days or more days out from the departure date of your first international flight
  • Transfers between airports in the same city also count as ground transfer segments. This means that a transfer from London-Heathrow (LHR) to London-Gatwick (LGW) counts as one of your four ground transfers
  • Mixed cabin bookings are allowed but you’ll be charged at the rate of the highest booking class regardless of the class of service of your other flights

A look at my round-the-world routing

After narrowing down my booking option, it was time to plan out my route. I had a rough idea of where I wanted to go — a mixture of old favorites and new destinations — but it was time to get to business and plan out a specific route with Star Alliance carriers.

The first order of business was to decide whether I wanted to go east or west. I decided on starting my trip by heading to Europe, as I wanted to visit family in Prague on the way out. Since it would have been hard to find a route going from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, I decided to fly to Frankfurt first and then connect onto Prague after visiting the city for a day or two.

Then, my itinerary would continue to Asia and the South Pacific, before making my way back to New York City. When planning out my itinerary, I would pull up the Wikipedia page for each airport and look for Star Alliance partners that flew there. This helped me build an itinerary and discover some interesting new destinations along the way.

Here’s a quick look at the tentative itinerary I planned out before I started looking for award space.

Leg 1/Stopover 1: Newark (EWR) to Frankfurt (FRA) – United Airlines
Leg 2/Stopover 2: Frankfurt to Prague (PRG) – Lufthansa
Leg 3/Stopover 3: Prague to Istanbul (IST) – Turkish Airlines
Leg 4/Stopover 4: Istanbul to Singapore (SIN) – Turkish Airlines
Leg 5/Stopover 5: Singapore to Hong Kong (HKG) – Singapore Airlines
Leg 6/Stopover 6: Hong Kong to Tokyo-Haneda (HND) – ANA
Leg 7/Stopover 7: Tokyo-Haneda to Sydney (SYD) – ANA
Leg 8/No Stopover: Sydney to San Francisco (SFO) – United Airlines
Leg 9/Stopover 8: San Francisco to Chicago-O’Hare (ORD) – United Airlines
Leg 10/Home: Chicago to New York (LGA) – United Airlines

Photo by The Points Guy Lufthansa Business Class/photo by The Points Guy

This itinerary maxes out the eight allowed stopovers and falls two segments short of the 12 allowed. I didn’t use any of the allowed ground transfers, but that’s fine with me. If I have the choice between a business class cabin and a train or bus, you’ll find me on the plane.

Round The World Trip map from GCmap (Image courtesy of GC Map)

I mapped out my itinerary using GC map and verified that it didn’t backtrack. I did this using the “Magnetic Heading” column listed at the bottom of the screen — so long as none of the routes went West, I was gold and could book the ticket.

Magnetic Heading on GCmap (Image courtesy of GC Map)

The total miles flown is also listed underneath this chart, so I could use this to price out my round-the-world ticket. The total came in at a whopping 28,668 miles flown, meaning that I’d pay a cool 170,000 ANA Mileage Club miles for this ticket — not bad given each flight is in business class.

Obviously, my exact routing is dependent on available award space, but this proved to be less of an issue than I thought. Since I was booking in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak, many airlines had wide-open award space on even their most premier routes.

How to book a round-the-world ticket with ANA Mileage Club

The actual process of booking an ANA RTW ticket looks intimidating on paper, but it’s not too hard in practice. You can’t book these tickets online, so you’ll need to find award space for each individual flight using your favorite Star Alliance search tool, write down the dates and flight numbers and then call ANA to book your ticket.

Finding award space using United.com’s calendar search tool

I used United.com and Expert Flyer (owned by TPG’s parent company, Red Ventures) to find award space. I’d start by looking for saver space on United’s website using the calendar search function, then verify that space is available using Expert Flyer to avoid phantom award space.

Setting up United Calendar View (Image courtesy of United)

First, head to United.com and enter your search criteria at the center of the screen. Make sure to check the “Book with miles” and “Calendar view” options at the top of the box and press the purple “Find flights” button to start the search.

Viewing award space calendar on United.com (Image courtesy of United)

You’ll now be greeted with two calendars: dates with a solid line have economy award space and dates with a dotted line have business class award space.

I was only interested in viewing nonstop flight availability, so I also checked the “Show only nonstop flight availability” option underneath the calendars. When you find a date you’re interested in, click on the date to view specific award space.

Look for award space marked with the “Saver award” tag — these flights are bookable with ANA Mileage Club (or any other Star Alliance partner). Once you find a flight you like, you write down the date and flight number.

Calculating fuel surcharges with ITA Matrix (Image courtesy of ITA Matrix)

Throughout this process, I was also looking at the fuel surcharges incurred for each flight with ITA Matrix. As discussed earlier, you can do this by looking for your flight and adding up the YQ and YR charges listed in the price breakdown.

ANA award ticket hold

I performed this process for all of the flights I wanted to book, and thankfully found award space that fully matched the itinerary I laid out earlier. I prepared myself for a call with ANA Mileage Club, but one thing struck my mind: transfer times.

Unlike most other transfer partners, American Express Membership Rewards points can take up to 48 hours to transfer. While ANA’s website doesn’t mention award ticket holds, I read elsewhere that sympathetic phone agents may offer to put your ticket on hold for up to 48 hours.

Armed with that knowledge, I phoned the ANA Mileage Club line and briefly explained my situation to the phone representative: I wanted to book a round-the-world ticket, had all my flights planned out and found award space. I just needed to transfer miles from American Express.

The agent — who was super helpful — offered to put the ticket on hold for me for 48 hours, giving me enough time to transfer my points without worrying about losing out on the award space I’d already found.

After this confirmation, I read off the flight numbers and dates to the agent and she built out the itinerary. At the end of our conversation, she gave me a mileage and tax quote as well as a booking reference to use when I called back to finalize the ticket. I transferred my points immediately after my ticket was put on hold.

That said, I can’t guarantee that ANA will also let you put your award ticket on hold. If they don’t, find a few backup flights that would also work for your itinerary and verify all award space before you call in to book. This will save you time and ensure that you’re not left with miles you can’t use.

Fast-forward two days, I woke up and checked my ANA Mileage Club balance — thankfully, the miles were right there in my account! I phoned ANA, read the agent my booking reference, and paid the taxes and fees with my credit card.

And that’s it! I walked away from the call with a fully booked round-the-world ticket, paying just 170,000 miles and the cost of taxes and fees. Though the process was time-consuming, I think it was well worth it for an excellent deal (and an exciting trip to look forward to).

Bottom line

ANA Mileage Club round-the-world tickets are one of the best deals in the miles and points world and it has the potential to give you tens of thousands of dollars in value from a single redemption.


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17 hours ago, stanislavpp said:

Пример за околосветски полет само срещу 170 000 мили и 1000$ кеш , бизнес класа :




Round-the-world trips in business or first class are only a mere dream for many travelers. However, those armed with an arsenal of miles and points can do it on the cheap — in fact, they can do it for well under $1,000.

I’ve been dreaming of taking my own round-the-world trip for some time now, and being quarantined during the coronavirus outbreak has only made me dream of it more. So one evening in late May, I decided to put my thoughts into words and price out the ultimate round-the-world trip.

I spent a couple of evenings researching the best ways to do this, finding award space and, finally, booking the ticket. It took hours of my time but in the end, I walked away with a booked itinerary for only 170,000 points and roughly $1,000 of pocket for over 28,000 miles in business class.

The rules:

  • You must cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans once
  • No backtracking is allowed
  • You can book a maximum of twelve flight segments and four ground transfer segments on the same ticket
  • Up to eight stopovers are permitted between the departure point and the final return point
  • Up to three stopovers can be in Europe and up to four stopovers can be in Japan
  • Your return date must be 10 days or more days out from the departure date of your first international flight
  • Transfers between airports in the same city also count as ground transfer segments. This means that a transfer from London-Heathrow (LHR) to London-Gatwick (LGW) counts as one of your four ground transfers
  • Mixed cabin bookings are allowed but you’ll be charged at the rate of the highest booking class regardless of the class of service of your other flights

A look at my round-the-world routing

After narrowing down my booking option, it was time to plan out my route. I had a rough idea of where I wanted to go — a mixture of old favorites and new destinations — but it was time to get to business and plan out a specific route with Star Alliance carriers.

The first order of business was to decide whether I wanted to go east or west. I decided on starting my trip by heading to Europe, as I wanted to visit family in Prague on the way out. Since it would have been hard to find a route going from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, I decided to fly to Frankfurt first and then connect onto Prague after visiting the city for a day or two.

Then, my itinerary would continue to Asia and the South Pacific, before making my way back to New York City. When planning out my itinerary, I would pull up the Wikipedia page for each airport and look for Star Alliance partners that flew there. This helped me build an itinerary and discover some interesting new destinations along the way.

Here’s a quick look at the tentative itinerary I planned out before I started looking for award space.

Leg 1/Stopover 1: Newark (EWR) to Frankfurt (FRA) – United Airlines
Leg 2/Stopover 2: Frankfurt to Prague (PRG) – Lufthansa
Leg 3/Stopover 3: Prague to Istanbul (IST) – Turkish Airlines
Leg 4/Stopover 4: Istanbul to Singapore (SIN) – Turkish Airlines
Leg 5/Stopover 5: Singapore to Hong Kong (HKG) – Singapore Airlines
Leg 6/Stopover 6: Hong Kong to Tokyo-Haneda (HND) – ANA
Leg 7/Stopover 7: Tokyo-Haneda to Sydney (SYD) – ANA
Leg 8/No Stopover: Sydney to San Francisco (SFO) – United Airlines
Leg 9/Stopover 8: San Francisco to Chicago-O’Hare (ORD) – United Airlines
Leg 10/Home: Chicago to New York (LGA) – United Airlines

Photo by The Points Guy Lufthansa Business Class/photo by The Points Guy

This itinerary maxes out the eight allowed stopovers and falls two segments short of the 12 allowed. I didn’t use any of the allowed ground transfers, but that’s fine with me. If I have the choice between a business class cabin and a train or bus, you’ll find me on the plane.

Round The World Trip map from GCmap (Image courtesy of GC Map)

I mapped out my itinerary using GC map and verified that it didn’t backtrack. I did this using the “Magnetic Heading” column listed at the bottom of the screen — so long as none of the routes went West, I was gold and could book the ticket.

Magnetic Heading on GCmap (Image courtesy of GC Map)

The total miles flown is also listed underneath this chart, so I could use this to price out my round-the-world ticket. The total came in at a whopping 28,668 miles flown, meaning that I’d pay a cool 170,000 ANA Mileage Club miles for this ticket — not bad given each flight is in business class.

Obviously, my exact routing is dependent on available award space, but this proved to be less of an issue than I thought. Since I was booking in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak, many airlines had wide-open award space on even their most premier routes.

How to book a round-the-world ticket with ANA Mileage Club

The actual process of booking an ANA RTW ticket looks intimidating on paper, but it’s not too hard in practice. You can’t book these tickets online, so you’ll need to find award space for each individual flight using your favorite Star Alliance search tool, write down the dates and flight numbers and then call ANA to book your ticket.

Finding award space using United.com’s calendar search tool

I used United.com and Expert Flyer (owned by TPG’s parent company, Red Ventures) to find award space. I’d start by looking for saver space on United’s website using the calendar search function, then verify that space is available using Expert Flyer to avoid phantom award space.

Setting up United Calendar View (Image courtesy of United)

First, head to United.com and enter your search criteria at the center of the screen. Make sure to check the “Book with miles” and “Calendar view” options at the top of the box and press the purple “Find flights” button to start the search.

Viewing award space calendar on United.com (Image courtesy of United)

You’ll now be greeted with two calendars: dates with a solid line have economy award space and dates with a dotted line have business class award space.

I was only interested in viewing nonstop flight availability, so I also checked the “Show only nonstop flight availability” option underneath the calendars. When you find a date you’re interested in, click on the date to view specific award space.

Look for award space marked with the “Saver award” tag — these flights are bookable with ANA Mileage Club (or any other Star Alliance partner). Once you find a flight you like, you write down the date and flight number.

Calculating fuel surcharges with ITA Matrix (Image courtesy of ITA Matrix)

Throughout this process, I was also looking at the fuel surcharges incurred for each flight with ITA Matrix. As discussed earlier, you can do this by looking for your flight and adding up the YQ and YR charges listed in the price breakdown.

ANA award ticket hold

I performed this process for all of the flights I wanted to book, and thankfully found award space that fully matched the itinerary I laid out earlier. I prepared myself for a call with ANA Mileage Club, but one thing struck my mind: transfer times.

Unlike most other transfer partners, American Express Membership Rewards points can take up to 48 hours to transfer. While ANA’s website doesn’t mention award ticket holds, I read elsewhere that sympathetic phone agents may offer to put your ticket on hold for up to 48 hours.

Armed with that knowledge, I phoned the ANA Mileage Club line and briefly explained my situation to the phone representative: I wanted to book a round-the-world ticket, had all my flights planned out and found award space. I just needed to transfer miles from American Express.

The agent — who was super helpful — offered to put the ticket on hold for me for 48 hours, giving me enough time to transfer my points without worrying about losing out on the award space I’d already found.

After this confirmation, I read off the flight numbers and dates to the agent and she built out the itinerary. At the end of our conversation, she gave me a mileage and tax quote as well as a booking reference to use when I called back to finalize the ticket. I transferred my points immediately after my ticket was put on hold.

That said, I can’t guarantee that ANA will also let you put your award ticket on hold. If they don’t, find a few backup flights that would also work for your itinerary and verify all award space before you call in to book. This will save you time and ensure that you’re not left with miles you can’t use.

Fast-forward two days, I woke up and checked my ANA Mileage Club balance — thankfully, the miles were right there in my account! I phoned ANA, read the agent my booking reference, and paid the taxes and fees with my credit card.

And that’s it! I walked away from the call with a fully booked round-the-world ticket, paying just 170,000 miles and the cost of taxes and fees. Though the process was time-consuming, I think it was well worth it for an excellent deal (and an exciting trip to look forward to).

Bottom line

ANA Mileage Club round-the-world tickets are one of the best deals in the miles and points world and it has the potential to give you tens of thousands of dollars in value from a single redemption.


Тук предизвиквам @Георги Матеев да предложи маршрут за тази сума и тръгваме половината форум 😄 :))) 

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Георги Матеев
Преди 1 час, Jorro каза:

Тук предизвиквам @Георги Матеев да предложи маршрут за тази сума и тръгваме половината форум 😄 :))) 

Няма проблем. Правил съм околосветска обиколка с доста по-интересния (за мен) маршрут София-Копенхаген-Ню Йорк-Бермуда-Хавай-Маршалови Острови-Микронезия-Гуам-Филипини-Доха-София за около 900 лв. тотал + 25k катарски мили. Че даже в единия билет имах включена и отсечка Лос Анджелис-Пекин, която обаче остана неизползвана.


Вярно, не беше бизнес класа, ама пък какъв добър спомен е това пътуване 🙂 Ето точните полети, ако ти е интересно:






Newark-Honolulu май и до ден днешен ми държи личния рекорд за най-дълъг нонстоп вътрешен полет (11 часа).


Пак ми се доходи в Бермуда... много яки бяха хвърчилата там - явно са супер популярни и на плажовете ги пускаха и малки и големи.

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