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British Airways - кратки новини и въпроси

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преди 42 минути , tch каза:

Там всяко четвърто място е под заплаха

Аз доколкото разбрах не ги уволняват, а ги освобождават временно (през което време получават някакъв процент от заплатата - като че ли 80% беше) по програма на правителството

преди 18 минути , neuromancer каза:

Аз доколкото разбрах не ги уволняват, а ги освобождават временно (през което време получават някакъв процент от заплатата - като че ли 80% беше) по програма на правителството

Не съм влизал в по-задълбочено търсене. Но тук не споменават нищо подобно.




@neuromancer двете новини са различни , твоята - 50% от служителите на Бритиш (22500) са пуснати в принудителен отпуск до края на юни като сметката ще се плаща от правителството.  Новината от днес , е че съкращават 12 000 служители , като ще е само началото, за съжаление.. Бритиш са на колене, но не разбирам защо правителството не им отпуска заем , след като отпусна такъв на Изиджет, дори отпусна заем и на Уиз. Единственото , което ми звучи логично е чисто  някаква регулативна причина , компанията майка е регистрирана в Испания - дали пък Бритиш плащат нула данъци във Великобритания ?  Ако е така, Бритиш може да са история до есента...

преди 20 минути , stanislavpp каза:

@neuromancer двете новини са различни , твоята - 50% от служителите на Бритиш (22500) са пуснати в принудителен отпуск до края на юни като сметката ще се плаща от правителството.  Новината от днес , е че съкращават 12 000 служители , като ще е само началото, за съжаление.. Бритиш са на колене, но не разбирам защо правителството не им отпуска заем , след като отпусна такъв на Изиджет, дори отпусна заем и на Уиз. Единственото , което ми звучи логично е чисто  някаква регулативна причина , компанията майка е регистрирана в Испания - дали пък Бритиш плащат нула данъци във Великобритания ?  Ако е така, Бритиш може да са история до есента...

До колкото разбирам, BA правят това с оглед бъдещото си оцеляване, а LH губят толкова много пари в момента, че заемът им трябва практически сега.

А и както шефът на BA Alex Cruz каза - те не очакват, че е реалистично правителството да им отпусне заеми, респективно да ги национализира.


@stanislavpp къде пише, че им е отказан? Аз до колкото четох в Guardian и BBC, те въобще и не са кандидатствали за такъв за момента, но в лудницата може и да съм го пропуснал...
Ето малко по-стара новина, в която се твърди, че те изрично са били против да се помага на авиокомпаниите със огромни заеми. Явно тогава си е било по default-ните причини - за да са контра на Virgin Atlantic, ама ето, че сега и тях ги е захапало по задника собственото им късогледство. 🙂

преди 23 минути , Djgeorgie каза:

@stanislavpp къде пише, че им е отказан? Аз до колкото четох в Guardian и BBC, те въобще и не са кандидатствали за такъв за момента, но в лудницата може и да съм го пропуснал...
Ето малко по-стара новина, в която се твърди, че те изрично са били против да се помага на авиокомпаниите със огромни заеми. Явно тогава си е било по default-ните причини - за да са контра на Virgin Atlantic, ама ето, че сега и тях ги е захапало по задника собственото им късогледство. 🙂

в днешното писмо на Круз:


Yesterday, British Airways flew just a handful of aircraft out of Heathrow. On a normal day we would fly more than 300. What we are facing as an airline, like so many other businesses up and down the country, is that there is no ‘normal’ any longer.

The global aviation body, IATA, has said that the industry has never seen a downturn this deep before, and that full year industry passenger revenues could plummet 55% compared to 2019, while traffic falls 48%.  Many airlines have grounded all of their planes. Sadly, we will see some airlines go out of business with the resulting job losses.

Our very limited flying schedule means that revenues are not coming into our business. We are taking every possible action to conserve cash, which will help us to weather the storm in the short-term. We are working closely with partners and suppliers to discuss repayment terms; we are re-negotiating contracts where possible; and we are considering all the options for our current and future aircraft fleet. All of these actions alone are not enough.

In the last few weeks, the outlook for the aviation industry has worsened further and we must take action now. We are a strong, well-managed business that has faced into, and overcome, many crises in our hundred-year history. We must overcome this crisis ourselves, too.

There  is no Government bailout standing by for BA and we cannot expect the taxpayer to offset salaries indefinitely. Any money we borrow now will only be short-term and will not address the longer-term challenges we will face.

We do not know when countries will reopen their borders or when the lockdowns will lift, and so we have to reimagine and reshape our airline and create a new future for our people, our customers and the destinations we serve. We have informed the Government and the Trade Unions of our proposals to consult over a number of changes, including possible reductions in headcount. We will begin a period of consultation, during which we will work with the Trade Unions to protect as many jobs as possible. Your views matter and we will listen to all practical proposals.

The scale of this challenge requires substantial change so we are in a competitive and resilient position, not just to address the immediate Covid-19 pandemic, but also to withstand any longer-term reductions in customer demand, economic shocks or other events that could affect us. However challenging this is, the longer we delay difficult decisions, the fewer options will be open to us.

I want to pay tribute to the thousands of British Airways colleagues who are playing a vital role in the global response to the Covid-19 crisis. Whether you are supporting our repatriation flights or the transport of essential cargo; or one of the hundreds of colleagues volunteering with organisations such as the NHS, you have my sincere respect and thanks.

This has been a difficult message to write and one I never thought I would need to send. I know how tight-knit the BA family is, and how concerned you will be, not just for yourself but for your colleagues, too. We must act decisively now to ensure that British Airways has a strong future and continues connecting Britain with the world, and the world with Britain.

  • Харесвам 2
преди 9 часа, stanislavpp каза:

в днешното писмо на Круз:


Yesterday, British Airways flew just a handful of aircraft out of Heathrow. On a normal day we would fly more than 300. What we are facing as an airline, like so many other businesses up and down the country, is that there is no ‘normal’ any longer.

The global aviation body, IATA, has said that the industry has never seen a downturn this deep before, and that full year industry passenger revenues could plummet 55% compared to 2019, while traffic falls 48%.  Many airlines have grounded all of their planes. Sadly, we will see some airlines go out of business with the resulting job losses.

Our very limited flying schedule means that revenues are not coming into our business. We are taking every possible action to conserve cash, which will help us to weather the storm in the short-term. We are working closely with partners and suppliers to discuss repayment terms; we are re-negotiating contracts where possible; and we are considering all the options for our current and future aircraft fleet. All of these actions alone are not enough.

In the last few weeks, the outlook for the aviation industry has worsened further and we must take action now. We are a strong, well-managed business that has faced into, and overcome, many crises in our hundred-year history. We must overcome this crisis ourselves, too.

There  is no Government bailout standing by for BA and we cannot expect the taxpayer to offset salaries indefinitely. Any money we borrow now will only be short-term and will not address the longer-term challenges we will face.

We do not know when countries will reopen their borders or when the lockdowns will lift, and so we have to reimagine and reshape our airline and create a new future for our people, our customers and the destinations we serve. We have informed the Government and the Trade Unions of our proposals to consult over a number of changes, including possible reductions in headcount. We will begin a period of consultation, during which we will work with the Trade Unions to protect as many jobs as possible. Your views matter and we will listen to all practical proposals.

The scale of this challenge requires substantial change so we are in a competitive and resilient position, not just to address the immediate Covid-19 pandemic, but also to withstand any longer-term reductions in customer demand, economic shocks or other events that could affect us. However challenging this is, the longer we delay difficult decisions, the fewer options will be open to us.

I want to pay tribute to the thousands of British Airways colleagues who are playing a vital role in the global response to the Covid-19 crisis. Whether you are supporting our repatriation flights or the transport of essential cargo; or one of the hundreds of colleagues volunteering with organisations such as the NHS, you have my sincere respect and thanks.

This has been a difficult message to write and one I never thought I would need to send. I know how tight-knit the BA family is, and how concerned you will be, not just for yourself but for your colleagues, too. We must act decisively now to ensure that British Airways has a strong future and continues connecting Britain with the world, and the world with Britain.

Ясно. В такъв случай, да се сърдят на себе си.


То е малко по-сложно. От една страна правителството каза, че няма априори да подкрепя авиокомпании, а ще решават за всеки поотделно като му дойде времето. Отделно има някаква обща схема за подпомагане, за които имат tradeable debt, каквото и да значи това, и Бритиш и Върджин нямат, а Уиз има и затова го взимат по документи, щото могат, не че правителството е решило за тях конкретно да даде.



Май причините Бритиш да не искат помощ от правителството са други.

Сега използват заплахата за фалит, за да уволняват служители и да им намаляват заплащането, а ако приемат помощ от правителството няма да имат право.



От друга страна Иберия и Вуелинг са приели общо 1 милиард евро заем, гарантиран от испанското правителство, които обаче не могат да се използват от другите авиокомпании в групата.

  • 2 месеца по-късно ...

British Airways ще пенсионират всичките си B747 още сега, вместо до 2024 както беше планирано.


“With much regret, we are proposing, subject to consultation, the immediate retirement of our Queen of the Skies, the 747-400.”

“we would not expect any more commercial flights to be flown.”


  • 3 месеца по-късно ...

Бритиш еъруейс са променили границата, над която промените в разписанието се считат за значителни и може да се иска рефънд от 2 на 4 часа.


  • Харесвам 1
  • 1 месец по-късно ...

Най-древната професия на борда на Бритиш:

BA stewardess advertising for sex between flights.

British Airways has launched an investigation to identify a flight attendant who has anonymously offered prostitution services on social media between her flights.

The stewardess has also offered mid-flight adult entertainment.

“If you ever want adult entertainment on-board, all you have to do is give me a sum of money and you’ll be treated to a whole different experience of your choice,” she writes.

The unidentified women’s OnlyFans account shows images of her hitching up the skirt of the BA uniform in the galley kitchen just a few feet away from oblivious airline passengers.

Another photo shows her in the cabin lavatory with the caption: “No panties on Sundays.”

“You will need to pay a securing fee of £50 to meet. Prices vary depending on the requested meet — no negotiating,” she states.

“If I have booked a hotel for work, the meeting will take place there.”

As well as the typical prostitution services, the Heathrow-based employee charges customers £25 ($33) for a pair of her underwear.

The airline has claimed to have launched an investigation to identify the mystery employee.

“We expect the highest standard of behaviour from all of our colleagues at all times, and we are investigating the claims,” the airline said.


Отвратителна работа , някой дали знае кои са нейните полети за да ги избягвам старателно?

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На 30.11.2020 г. в 16:22, stanislavpp каза:

Най-древната професия на борда на Бритиш:

BA stewardess advertising for sex between flights.

British Airways has launched an investigation to identify a flight attendant who has anonymously offered prostitution services on social media between her flights.

The stewardess has also offered mid-flight adult entertainment.

“If you ever want adult entertainment on-board, all you have to do is give me a sum of money and you’ll be treated to a whole different experience of your choice,” she writes.

The unidentified women’s OnlyFans account shows images of her hitching up the skirt of the BA uniform in the galley kitchen just a few feet away from oblivious airline passengers.

Another photo shows her in the cabin lavatory with the caption: “No panties on Sundays.”

“You will need to pay a securing fee of £50 to meet. Prices vary depending on the requested meet — no negotiating,” she states.

“If I have booked a hotel for work, the meeting will take place there.”

As well as the typical prostitution services, the Heathrow-based employee charges customers £25 ($33) for a pair of her underwear.

The airline has claimed to have launched an investigation to identify the mystery employee.

“We expect the highest standard of behaviour from all of our colleagues at all times, and we are investigating the claims,” the airline said.


Отвратителна работа , някой дали знае кои са нейните полети за да ги избягвам старателно?

Цената на Бритиш нали беше с включена консумация?! Как не ги е срам да искат допълнително заплащане!!! 🤣

  • Смея се 1
  • 3 месеца по-късно ...

Бритиш са увеличили цените на късите наградни полети с по 750 Авиос на отсечка, без никакво предупреждение, което е доста нетипично за тях... Примерно София - Лондон става 10750 вместо 10000. 


По-странното е, че според плановете за разширение на Хийтроу тази сграда трябва да бъде разрушена. Така че или няма как да я продадат, или плановете за разширение ще търпят промени...

  • 1 месец по-късно ...

CEO- то на Qatar  с не много ласкаво изказване за British :


Qatar Airways CEO calls British Airways “two out of ten” low-cost carrier           



преди 35 минути , stanimir каза:

CEO- то на Qatar  с не много ласкаво изказване за British :


Qatar Airways CEO calls British Airways “two out of ten” low-cost carrier           



Честно казано не е особено далеч от истината.

  • Харесвам 1

Изказването е от миналата седмица и доста любопитно в контекста, че всъщност Катарците са собственик на Бритиш Еъруейс. Личната ми трактовка е, че Ал Бакер е бил двигателя за закъснялата смяна на СЕО-то на Бритиш.

  • Харесвам 1
  • 5 месеца по-късно ...

В чест на падането на рестрикциите за влизане в САЩ на 08.11 , БА са обозначили сутрешният си полет LHR-JFK с емблематичният номер за полет 001:


On November 8, 2021, British Airways will operate BA1 from London to New York, to celebrate the reopening of travel between the UK and the US. I would guess there may be some celebrations on this flight, but who knows. This is a significant flight number for British Airways, as this was the flight number used first for the Concorde, and then for the Club World London City service.


  • Харесвам 2
  • 2 седмици по-късно ...

Някой скоро да е пробвал да говори с тях по телефона? Че онлайн не става каквото искам и сега събирам смелост да им звъня...


  • 5 месеца по-късно ...

British Airways suspends more flights until June 2022!


British Airways, the national airline of the United Kingdom, will continue to cancel flights to popular European destinations until the end of June due to a lack of airline staff. Travelers planning to travel outside of the United Kingdom are experiencing uncertainty as a result of this decision by UK authorities.

Airlines have been forced to postpone flights over the last month due to a lack of workers to meet rising demand as border restrictions have relaxed and individuals have resumed travel. Sean Doyle, the airline’s chief executive, warned colleagues on Tuesday that the airline would reduce flying schedules until the end of June to assist strengthen its operations and make schedules more predictable.

According to the Chief Executive of the travel consultancy PC Agency, Paul Charles, the slow processing of security passes for airline staff had led to delays in boosting staff numbers. Charles stressed that such an issue would continue, not just with British Airways but with other airlines as well.

“They will continue to have staff shortages because they can’t hire people fast enough, or they are suffering from the slow processing of Government security clearance for security passes.They are throwing money at hiring staff who have security passes from other airlines. They are giving golden handshakes of up to £1,000 to cabin crew, for example, to join them,” Charles pointed out in this regard as reported by Schengen Visa Info.


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